Christchurch Electricians and Energy Efficiency Experts
Christchurch based specialist electricians, solar energy and EV charger installation experts
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Reduce your carbon footprint and your power bill by drawing on the free natural resource of the sun.
This solar power special is an indication of what the team at Gavin Lowe Electrical can offer you with quality equipment and materials, knowledgeable expertise, and workmanship.
This exact package may not suit every application and will need to be site assessed. Site assessments and detailed quotes are free of charge.
Installation of a Solar Power System will require a free site assessment for suitability and quote
You’ve got your new EV, now you need to set up a suitable solution for fast charging at the home or office.
You need an option that works with your existing electrical set-up so there is no risk of overloading your mains. Gavin Lowe Electrical have made it their business to understand the best solution for you.
Installation of a new EV charger will require a free site assessment for suitability and quote
EV charger, installation and charging lead
Reduce Waste
Save up to 35 lightbulbs for each LED light life cycle, with each LED expected to last at least 10 years.
Save Energy
Save up to 85% of each light fittings energy usage per year. That’s $350 across 10 years for a $50 initial spend!
Help the Environment
Less energy use and less waste reduces our carbon footprint and impact on the environment.
Spend Less
Reducing energy costs & replacement bulbs will save you approximately $35 per light fitting, per year.
Upgrading your lights to LED will require a free site assessment for suitability and quote
Per Fitting
Upgrade to a modern recessed switchboard, replacing ceramic
fuses for more modern circuit breakers and RCDs.
A modern switchboard gives you better protection and electrical safety, reduces maintenance costs and in some instances even your insurance premiums. It can also help identify any potential problem areas in the home before they happen.
A switchboard upgrade includes a switchboard, main switch, mcbs, rcds, new main earth tags and electrical inspection, from $1,890.
All switchboard upgrades will require a free site assessment for suitability and quote
Switchboard Upgrade
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